Intr-o harta construita cu calcularorul si afisata pe ecran, numita si harta electronica sau digitala, se poate introduce si un filmulet (video) legat de locul respectiv (localizat geografic sau geolocalizat).
In figura de mai sus este harta Parisului, cu Campul lui Marte (b) si o imagine din film cu Arcul de Triumf (a).
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Seero - Putting Video on the Map
Introduced over the geoblogs about a month ago, [0]Seero is a new tool to broadcast geolocated videos. From the [1]GEB description: "hat I find interesting is Seero's ability to not only share location of a video (like the geotagging of YouTube videos), but you can actually play the Video alongside a GPS track and see the changing location on a dynamically updating Google Map mashup. I'm not sure of the utility of live broadcasting for this medium, but they also support playing them
back from archives. " I think the [2]first one to mention Seero is Ogle Earth, additional information can be found in [3]another Ogle Earth entry and over APB, [4]mentioning KML support as well as this [5]informative
GEB entry.
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Poate constitui exemplu si pentru lucrarea celor din anul II Cartografie. Indrazneste cineva? Are 10 asigurat la examen daca demonstreaza in 5 minute la calculator! Dar daca si harta este corecta, controlata de mine inainte! Cu un scurt video dintr-un punct din zona hartii repartizate. Nu este complicat!
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