Google StreetView - aplicatie pentru determinarea itinerariilor
Viitorul este pe ecran! Ati descoperit deja? Compania Google a integrat aplicatia Streetview in Google Maps, cu care puteti determina itinerariile de deplasare pe strazile unui oras, cu conditia ca acete informatii sa fie culese si stocate in baza de date. Daca se genereaza sau se alege un itinerariu in unteriorul unui oras, cu aplicatia Streetview incorporata acum in Google Maps, veti vedea pictograma unei “camere” de luat vederi. Cu un click pe pictograma camerei apare sus fereastra Streetview in care este aratata scena strazii a carei pozitie este aratata.
Legaturi utile:
Exemplu de la un student: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=l&hl=en&geocode=&q=universal+studios&ie=UTF8&near=orlando&cd=1&ei=CqUYSKXRM4Hu2wKmtrSnAQ&layer=c&ll=28.550525,-81.398048&spn=0.037847,0.09716&t=k&z=14&cbll=28.533782,-81.401331&cbp=2,162.86459289496952,,0,9.086028937343453
la 10 minute dupa postare (cerveau geo), dar numai pentru 42 de orase din S.U.A., cum precizeaza domnia sa. Dar nu e bine sa stie studentii, cei care trebuie sa "faca asa" si la noi?
Colectie de date, harti interactive etc.
Site-ul Universitatii din Wisconsin are o colectie de date , harti interactive , ecosisteme , informatii asupra resurselor de apa etc
Scoala generala "Ioan Voda"
AGENTIA SPATIALA EUROPEANA: are un site dedicat copiilor si propune intr-o forma ludica pentru cei mici, observatii asupra Pamantului, stelelor, planetelor.
Scoala generala "Ioan Voda"
Cities at Night: The View from Space
Astronauts onboard the International Space Station capture nighttime photographs of city lights, spectacular evidence of humanity's existence, our distribution, and our ability to change our environment.
Geografie distractiva,
Doamna director profesor Avram a reusit! Ghiciti in ce localitate, aproape de Focsani! Le adresez sincere felicitari. domniei sale si intregului colectiv. Asa am putut vedea si laboratorul exceptional de informatica al unei scoli generale, laborator ce se transforma usor in laborator de geoinformatica! Astept si de la studenti replica! Asadar, omul sfinteste locul!
Intr-o harta construita cu calcularorul si afisata pe ecran, numita si harta electronica sau digitala, se poate introduce si un filmulet (video) legat de locul respectiv (localizat geografic sau geolocalizat).
In figura de mai sus este harta Parisului, cu Campul lui Marte (b) si o imagine din film cu Arcul de Triumf (a).
Cititi mai jos pentru exemplificare sau sariti direct la adresele finale
Seero - Putting Video on the Map
Introduced over the geoblogs about a month ago, [0]Seero is a new tool to broadcast geolocated videos. From the [1]GEB description: "hat I find interesting is Seero's ability to not only share location of a video (like the geotagging of YouTube videos), but you can actually play the Video alongside a GPS track and see the changing location on a dynamically updating Google Map mashup. I'm not sure of the utility of live broadcasting for this medium, but they also support playing them
back from archives. " I think the [2]first one to mention Seero is Ogle Earth, additional information can be found in [3]another Ogle Earth entry and over APB, [4]mentioning KML support as well as this [5]informative
GEB entry.
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Poate constitui exemplu si pentru lucrarea celor din anul II Cartografie. Indrazneste cineva? Are 10 asigurat la examen daca demonstreaza in 5 minute la calculator! Dar daca si harta este corecta, controlata de mine inainte! Cu un scurt video dintr-un punct din zona hartii repartizate. Nu este complicat!
Google Earth si in limba romana!
Google Earth 4.3 out today
Moto; Stii engleza, love story, nu stii, I'm sorry!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 (06:57 UTC)
It’s midnight in Mountain View, so the embargo’s over: There’s a new version of Google Earth coming out today, Google Earth 4.3, though it won’t actually hit Google’s download servers until 8pm local time (00:01 03:00 UTC Wednesday morning.) In the meantime, briefly, here’s what to expect, as recounted by Google Earth product manager Peter Birch:Revamped navigation: New users should find it much easier to get around Google Earth. Zoom in and the view automatically tilts to horizontal, and there is a new look-around control. (Also, relative height is now used to determine movement speed, not absolute height.)
Images get easily viewable acquisition dates: Move the pointer over a piece of high resolution imagery, see the acquisition date at the bottom of the screen.
More and better buildings: 3D rendering has been rethought — low res versions of textures download first, followed by higher res (which is more like how Microsoft Virtual Earth does it, from the sound of it). There’s whole new towns available by default, and many more Google Earth Warehouse buildings.
Flash support for Mac: Finally, we once again have feature parity for Windows and Mac versions. This means YouTube videos are now viewable in Mac version of Google Earth. Yay!
Street View comes to Google Earth.
New sunlight control: When turned on, see where it is day and night on Earth, using the time slider. Zoomed in, watch the sun rise or set over the landscape. (There will likely be comparisons made to this feature in NASA World Wind, not least by World Wind developers themselves :-)
12 new languages: Google Earth will now also be available in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian (isn’t that just a Swedish dialect? :-), English(UK), Spanish (Latin American), Finnish, Hebrew, Indonesian, Portuguese(PT), Romanian, Thai, and Turkish.
What’s “missing” from this release? Of the most requested features, there will not (yet?) be revamped support for tours, no new pole-friendly projection, no 3D bathymetry and no GeoRSS support. Google Earth joins Microsoft’s Virtual Earth in getting a revamp, so perhaps it’s high time for a head-to-head review...
Good luck, my dear students!
Moto; Stii engleza, love story, nu stii, I'm sorry!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 (06:57 UTC)
It’s midnight in Mountain View, so the embargo’s over: There’s a new version of Google Earth coming out today, Google Earth 4.3, though it won’t actually hit Google’s download servers until 8pm local time (00:01 03:00 UTC Wednesday morning.) In the meantime, briefly, here’s what to expect, as recounted by Google Earth product manager Peter Birch:Revamped navigation: New users should find it much easier to get around Google Earth. Zoom in and the view automatically tilts to horizontal, and there is a new look-around control. (Also, relative height is now used to determine movement speed, not absolute height.)
Images get easily viewable acquisition dates: Move the pointer over a piece of high resolution imagery, see the acquisition date at the bottom of the screen.
More and better buildings: 3D rendering has been rethought — low res versions of textures download first, followed by higher res (which is more like how Microsoft Virtual Earth does it, from the sound of it). There’s whole new towns available by default, and many more Google Earth Warehouse buildings.
Flash support for Mac: Finally, we once again have feature parity for Windows and Mac versions. This means YouTube videos are now viewable in Mac version of Google Earth. Yay!
Street View comes to Google Earth.
New sunlight control: When turned on, see where it is day and night on Earth, using the time slider. Zoomed in, watch the sun rise or set over the landscape. (There will likely be comparisons made to this feature in NASA World Wind, not least by World Wind developers themselves :-)
12 new languages: Google Earth will now also be available in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian (isn’t that just a Swedish dialect? :-), English(UK), Spanish (Latin American), Finnish, Hebrew, Indonesian, Portuguese(PT), Romanian, Thai, and Turkish.
What’s “missing” from this release? Of the most requested features, there will not (yet?) be revamped support for tours, no new pole-friendly projection, no 3D bathymetry and no GeoRSS support. Google Earth joins Microsoft’s Virtual Earth in getting a revamp, so perhaps it’s high time for a head-to-head review...
Good luck, my dear students!
Date gratuite SIG (GIS)
Pentru cine vrea sa descarce fisiere de tipul SHP (shapefiles), este indicata intrarea pe pagina http://www.shpconnection.com/. Pe interfata grafica harta puteti verifica unde exista date disponibile. Download data! Ai fisiere - "love story!", nu ai fisiere - "I'm sorry!"
Profesorul va doreste succes!
Profesorul va doreste succes!
Google Earth
Pentru cine are instalat programul Google Earth, invatarea lucrului cu aplicatia se poate face folosind si adresele:
Orientare in Bucuresti si copierea hartii
Aici este salvata portiunea de harta cu centrul la podul Ciurel
Pentru toti studentii, orientarea in Bucuresti nu mai e o problema! Vizitati: http://harta-bucuresti.bucharest-guide.ro/
Puteti cauta orice strada dupa denumire! In partea de jos aveti si alte optiuni. Studentii care trebuie sa realizeze harta unei anumite zone din Bucuresti pot copia imaginea de pe ecran cu tasta "Print Screen" (PrtSc), o pot "lipi" apoi in fereastra aplicatiei "Paint", pot selecta doar portiunea de harta etc.
Va doresc succes!
Intrati pe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyzQItUhXyw
Ca sa va distrati, introduceti la metacautatorul Google expresia "Geography youtube" si lansati cautarea. Vor fi afisate pagini interesante. Totul e sa stiti sa cautati in marea biblioteca virtuala! Puteti incerca si cu "Geography games". Nu incercati sa schimbati substantivul "Geography" in adjectivul "geographic" sau chiar incercati! Succes!
Profesorul distrat
Ca sa va distrati, introduceti la metacautatorul Google expresia "Geography youtube" si lansati cautarea. Vor fi afisate pagini interesante. Totul e sa stiti sa cautati in marea biblioteca virtuala! Puteti incerca si cu "Geography games". Nu incercati sa schimbati substantivul "Geography" in adjectivul "geographic" sau chiar incercati! Succes!
Profesorul distrat
Jocuri educative
Indicati locul cu Google Maps !
je suis dans l'hémisphère sud
je suis sur une petite île française de l'océan indien
je suis très actif et je brûle tout sur mon passage
Profesorul pregateste pe site-ul http://www.placespotting.com/
imaginea satelitara pe care doreste s-o descopere elevii sai ajutandu-i
cu cateva indicii ; restul nu este decat o modalitate atractiva
de a realiza o activitate a cercului de geografie .
Jocuri educationale pentru toate varstele:
je suis dans l'hémisphère sud
je suis sur une petite île française de l'océan indien
je suis très actif et je brûle tout sur mon passage
Profesorul pregateste pe site-ul http://www.placespotting.com/
imaginea satelitara pe care doreste s-o descopere elevii sai ajutandu-i
cu cateva indicii ; restul nu este decat o modalitate atractiva
de a realiza o activitate a cercului de geografie .
Jocuri educationale pentru toate varstele:
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